7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (2024)

7 simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots and leaves.

Turmeric is robust and bright yellow colored spice which finds its importance in Indian kitchen over many years.

From the ancient times, everyone knows turmeric roots are highly beneficial to human body.

7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (1)

It has a warm, peppery earthy flavour widely used in Indian and other South Asian countries.

Turmeric is an important member of family Zingiberaceae also a close cousin of ginger. Both look almost the same however, you cut open and the difference in colour can be seen.

Many studies have shown the importance of turmeric roots to mankind. They help to fight many serious health issues.

Have you ever wondered how to cook fresh turmeric roots in your kitchen? Few years back I heard the way it can be grown in home garden from my co-blogger and a good friend shrikripa.in.

You heard me right, it can be easily grown at home garden. Harvest the roots during winter, clean them, store and use them when required.

With more and more people becoming health conscious, include turmeric in their diet. I have compiled best ways to use turmeric roots in your kitchen.

Fresh turmeric roots are known for its healing properties. If you are interested in preparing some delicious healthy dishes with it, you can check the list below.

In recent times especially during winters, I have been using fresh turmeric roots in everyday cooking. This gives little everyday dose of energy to the family.

In our family, the first choice that comes to our mind is turmeric, when we have cold and cough.

That’s because of powerful and healing nature of turmeric roots

I totally believe that turmeric roots are incredibly healing to our body.

Learn more about fresh turmeric plants

  1. What are the health benefits of turmeric?
  2. What are turmeric roots?
  3. How to grow turmeric in home garden?
  4. When to harvest turmeric roots?
  5. How to store fresh turmeric roots?
  6. How to use fresh turmeric in your kitchen?
  7. Tips for using turmeric roots in cooking
  8. Best fresh turmeric roots recipe
  9. Vegan Fresh Turmeric Coconut Rice
  10. Do not over do with turmeric in your everyday diet
  11. Pavithra M Adiga

What are the health benefits of turmeric?

Fresh turmeric is said to contain curcumin the most active bio-compound. Many research scholars have proven that this active compound shows powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity (source)

  • It has many beneficial effects on wellbeing of heart.
  • Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help improve bone health.
  • This is a great remedy for cold and cough
  • Provides some extent of relief to indigestion problem
  • Researcher have shown they prevent growth of cancerous cells.
  • It is helps in overall maintenance of brain health.

What are turmeric roots?

Turmeric roots are also called as rhizomes. Turmeric powder is prepared using turmeric roots.

The earthy and warm flavors of fresh turmeric is the best. In India, winter seasons are filled with many fresh produce.

Fresh turmeric roots are one such winter produce.

With everyone knowing the importance of turmeric roots, these days the sale of turmeric is high in local markets.

How to grow turmeric in home garden?

Turmeric plants can be easily grown in your home garden.

Turmeric roots are gathered every year some for propagation and others for cooking.

If you are growing the turmeric roots for the first time, then buy the roots from nearby local market.

The roots should be healthy well grown, firm to touch. For next consecutive year, you can use the same roots for growing the turmeric plants.

Store the roots in a dry place on a plate. In India, we harvest the roots during January (winter season).

Keep this aside on kitchen counter and see to it that there is no fungal growth.

These roots are kept aside, till you see few buds on the roots. This takes almost 4 to 5 months.

In India, this will be beginning of rainy season (June). In the beginning of rainy season, prepare the pots with soil and manure.

Sow the turmeric roots horizontally with buds facing top. Water them regularly. Believe me growing turmeric plants is therapeutic!!!

When to harvest turmeric roots?

Let’s see when to harvest turmeric roots.

Turmeric leaves are also useful in many dishes. The aroma of turmeric leaves is very soothing.

Turmeric leaves can be used in cooking before they start yellowing and withering.

This is the time to harvest the turmeric roots. In India, this is winter season, this is when the roots are ready to be harvested.

Remove the entire turmeric plant with the roots, separate the roots from stem.

Clean wash the roots, dry them in shade. Use these fresh turmeric roots as needed.

7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (2)

These roots are dried, wet sterilized using cooker method. These are sliced and dried under shade.

These are powdered into fine and used as turmeric powder.

7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (3)

How to store fresh turmeric roots?

Many people buy fresh turmeric roots and will be wondering how to store these. Here are few ways I have tried storing them in my kitchen.

Turmeric roots can be easily stored at room temperature in dry place 15 to 20 days.

Fresh roots are more prone to fungal growth when exposed to moisture. So always keep them in clean dry place.

They do not need to be blanched before storing. Fresh turmeric can be stored as it is with the skin.

Also ensure that roots do not have any cut ends. This will attract molds or fungal growth to develop.

Fresh turmeric roots can be frozen for a month or refrigerated for one to two weeks.

Clean the roots to remove any dirt and then freeze them in airtight zip lock covers.

Always check for fungal formation on the roots every two to three days and make sure there is no moisture collected on the roots.

How to use fresh turmeric in your kitchen?

Turmeric is golden spice which is commonly used in most of the dishes in Indian kitchen.

Turmeric plant has many culinary uses, the leaf is used as flavouring agent in many dishes. Root is used in healthy recipes.

Turmeric roots are used as it is in raw form or in powdered form.

This yellow spice can be used in smoothies, bakes and everyday dishes.

Tips for using turmeric roots in cooking

Clean the turmeric roots very well to remove all the dirt, peel the skin and grate into any dishes of your choice.

First important tip while cooking with fresh turmeric roots is to use black pepper powder in the recipe.

This way it helps in maximum absorption of turmeric by our body.

Second important tip is to cook the fresh turmeric roots in oil or any fat like ghee, butter.

Curcumin in turmeric is fat soluble and consuming it with fat increases the absorption by our body.


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Best fresh turmeric roots recipe

Here are some best recipes to harness the health benefits of turmeric roots in day-to-day cooking.

Give a try to any of your favourite recipes from this list and let me know what you think in the comments below. I would also love to see your recipe ratings and your awesome recreations with a tag to @Dicen Cook

7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (4)

Vegan Fresh Turmeric Coconut Rice

Fresh turmeric coconut rice is fluffy aromatic rice with earthy flavours.

Cooked in one pot is great way to make the family happy and healthy!!!

7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (5)


Carrot turmeric soup recipe is a super vegan meal. Soothing and healthy soup recipe on any winter day.

This is a great appetizer and one pot meal for winter season. Fresh turmeric roots add intense yellow hue to carrot soup.

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7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (6)


Turmeric saffron milk or turmeric golden milk or golden milk. In hindi we also call this as haldi kesar doodh. This is a perfect drink soothing the body with anti-inflammatory properties.

I try to drink this several times a week to boost my immunity and stay healthy.

The beautiful color and flavor of this milk makes you feel better on any given day.

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7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (7)


Fresh turmeric flavoured buttermilk is a healthy, delicious, healing tambuli recipe using home grown fresh turmeric roots. We also call this as tambuli in coastal Karnataka.

This is a great side dish for rice or can be served as it is. Try this aromatic buttermilk recipe and you will surely like it.

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7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (8)


Matar Kachhi Haldi Sabzi or Green Peas Turmeric Curry is a winter speciality from Rajasthan.

This is a glutenfree recipe. This is a perfect winter dish which is served as side dish with any Indian flatbread.

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7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (9)


Fresh turmeric thokku or chutney is healthy and delicious chutney recipe.

Fresh turmeric and mango ginger both make a great combination in this chutney. The aroma of this chutney is so good, it makes great companion to hot rice and coconut oil.

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7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (10)


Why waste turmeric leaves, if you have ever wondered what to do with the turmeric leaves, then check this recipe for aromatic sweet rice dumplings or patholi.

Patholi or patoleo is healthy oil-free, nut free, glutenfree, vegan and refined sugar as well.

This is easy to make and the aroma of steamed dumplings cooked in turmeric leaves makes a great dessert recipe.

Read more

Do not over do with turmeric in your everyday diet

Turmeric has blood thinning property. The intake of turmeric in our diet should be limited if you are under blood thinning medications.

Research have shown that few people experience nausea or headache with excessive intake of turmeric.

It is also suggested that people with kidney stones, diabetes and iron deficiency should minimize the intake of turmeric (source)

Note: I am not a medical practitioner, I follow the suggestions as given by my Ayurvedic doctor in using turmeric roots in our diet. If any queries regarding intake of turmeric kindly follow the instructions suggested by your doctors.

Dear readers, I am grateful for the time you have taken to read my posts which means a lot to me. Thank you.

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If you happen to try any of my recipes do tag me with your photos and feedback. I would love to hear your review and suggestion. So do comment below

7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (11)

Pavithra M Adiga

I am a passionate foodie and food photographer with love to document easy, simple to follow, healthy vegetarian recipes in Dice n Cook.

7 Simple immune boosting recipes using turmeric roots (2024)


How do you use raw turmeric root for inflammation? ›

Whip up an anti-inflammatory drink with turmeric and coconut water. Mix 3 c (710 mL) of coconut water, ½ cup (25 g) of ginger slices, 6 mint sprigs, 14 c (59 mL) of lemon juice, 1 tbsp (9 g) of turmeric, ¼ tsp (2 g) of cardamom, ⅛ tsp (0.6 g) of sea salt, and ⅛ tsp (0.3 g) of cayenne or black pepper into a blender.

How to take turmeric for immunity? ›

Add a small piece of peeled and grated raw turmeric to your morning smoothies. Combine it with fruits like pineapple, mango, or orange for a delicious and nutritious immune-boosting drink. Create a turmeric-infused salad dressing. Mix grated raw turmeric with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.

How to cook turmeric root? ›

To prepare the turmeric, slice it into thin rounds (no wider than ¼-inch). Combine the sliced turmeric and water in a saucepan over high heat. Bring the mixture to a simmer, then reduce the heat as necessary to maintain a gentle simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat.

How to use dried turmeric root? ›

Ground/Dried Turmeric

When cooking with ground turmeric (sometimes called turmeric root), a little goes a long way. A half a teaspoon of ground turmeric is usually plenty for seasoning bean dishes, rice dishes, whole grains, soups, stews, sauces, marinades, and pickling brines.

How much raw turmeric root should I eat daily? ›

That being said, our experts tell us that a reasonable dosage is 500 mg per day, which we've seen corroborated by several independent experts, including Bindiya Gandhi, MD, who recommends 400 to 600 mg of turmeric, up to three times per day, as tolerated.

What are the side effects of eating raw turmeric root? ›

While turmeric is safe for most people when enjoyed in tea or food, if you are allergic to the spice, eating it may cause a rash, hives or abdominal pain. Most of the side effects are associated with very high concentrations of curcumin found in supplements (pills, capsules and gummies).

Is 1 teaspoon of turmeric a day enough? ›

So, in order to get the anti-inflammatory effect, one needs to get 500 to 1,000 milligrams of curcumin per day. One fresh teaspoon of ground turmeric has around 200 milligrams of curcumin.

Who should not take turmeric? ›

People who should not take turmeric include those with gallbladder problems, bleeding disorders, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), infertility, iron deficiency, liver disease, hormone-sensitive conditions, and arrhythmia. Pregnant women and those who are going to undergo surgery should not use turmeric.

How much turmeric should I take to boost my immune system? ›

You can also find turmeric as an ingredient in immunity support tablets, like Nuun Immunity. The typical recommended dosage for turmeric ranges from 500mg to 2,000mg per day. However, make sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement.

Can I just mix turmeric with water? ›

To a cup of plain water, add 1 teaspoonful of turmeric powder. Stir the mixture well and drink it.

Does boiling water destroy turmeric? ›

Turmeric, with curcuminoids as the main bioactive components, is a popular food additive and condiment. However, curcuminoids readily degrade when heated, and cooking like boiling and roasting will result in the degradation of curcuminoids to a great extent (5–7, 16).

Can I chew raw turmeric root? ›

Is It Okay To Eat Raw Turmeric? Absolutely! Because turmeric is a plant in the ginger family, it also looks and tastes similar to ginger. So, just treat fresh, raw turmeric like you would with a knob of fresh ginger—just peel it, then slice, dice, or grate it.

Which is better, fresh or dried turmeric? ›

It's believed that nutrients of raw turmeric fingers are better absorbed by the body than their dried forms. Raw turmeric when consumed in the right quantity is linked to promoting bile secretion in the body, resulting in more improved digestion.

How do you activate turmeric root? ›

4 Ways to Increase Absorption of Turmeric:
  1. Add Pepper. The liver makes certain substances water soluble so they can more easily pass through our systems. ...
  2. Eat With Good Fats. Turmeric is fat soluble—meaning it dissolves in fats. ...
  3. Eat With Quercetin-Rich Foods. ...
  4. Heat It Up.
Feb 2, 2020

Can I boil turmeric root and drink? ›

Combine turmeric with 1 cup (237 mL) water. Bring water and turmeric to a boil. Let sit for 3–5 minutes. Strain turmeric pieces out of liquid.

What is the best way to take turmeric for inflammation? ›

The best way to take turmeric is in supplement form. Choose a supplement that has been specially formulated for better absorption. And look for a USP-verified mark on the bottle. Like any supplement, turmeric can cause side effects and may interact with other medications you take.

How much fresh turmeric to reduce inflammation? ›

So, in order to get the anti-inflammatory effect, one needs to get 500 to 1,000 milligrams of curcumin per day. One fresh teaspoon of ground turmeric has around 200 milligrams of curcumin. The quantity varies a bit depending on the origin and source.

How long does it take turmeric to start reducing inflammation? ›

Unfortunately, turmeric doesn't offer a quick fix, so you'll need to take it daily to notice results. If you were wondering how long it takes turmeric to work, this can vary from person to person. However, you should usually expect to start noticing improvements in around 4-8 weeks when taken daily.


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