Aceable Traffic School Answers: Level Assessment + Final Exam - Traffic School Critics (2024)

When it comes to user-experience, not many online traffic schools come close to Aceable.

However, with its course taking slightly longer than others (for California, at least), the quickest way you can get it done is by having the Aceable traffic school answers ready.

And that's exactly what we've done for you here! Below are the level assem*nt answers AND the final exam answers as well.

Aceable Traffic School Level Assessment Answers

Aceable Level 2 Assessment Answers

In what position should you be to properly adjust your rearview mirror?

  1. Slouching and looking straight ahead.
  2. Standing outside your vehicle.
  3. Sitting up straight and waving at friends.
  4. Sitting up straight and looking straight ahead.

If you need to change the radio station, wait _____.

  1. Until "Free Bird" finishes.
  2. For a red light.
  3. Until you're our of the traffic jam.
  4. Until the road is clear.

Which of the following IS NOT an example of aggressive driving?

  1. Following other drivers too closely.
  2. Slamming on brakes.
  3. Changing lanes when someone is tailgating you.
  4. Changing lanes without signaling.

Which of the following is NOT considered a driving distraction?

  1. Warning lights.
  2. Friends.
  3. Texts.
  4. Phones.

Aggressive drivers can be dangerous because they confront other drivers and _____.

  1. Fall asleep at the wheel.
  2. Drive recklessly.
  3. Drive huge vehicles.
  4. Don't answer questions.

The time period when drivers are most at risk of driving while drowsy is _____.

  1. 12 AM - 6 AM
  2. 6 PM - 12 AM
  3. 12 PM - 6 PM
  4. 6 AM - 12 PM

Areas that cannot be seen by the driver are called _____.

  1. Blind spots.
  2. Hiding spots.
  3. Crash spots.
  4. Collision spots.

You are _____ more likely to crash if texting while driving.

  1. 2 times.
  2. Not.
  3. 32 times.
  4. 23 times.

Inability to focus, yawning, and drifting between lanes are signs of _____.

  1. Defensive driving.
  2. Aceable driving.
  3. Aggressive driving.
  4. Drowsy driving.

Your sense of _____ is the most crucial sense for driving.

  1. Smell.
  2. Common things.
  3. Hearing.
  4. Sight.

Aceable Level 3 Assessment Answers

Emma is waiting at a red traffic light. When the light turns green, Emma should _____ before driving forward.

  1. Put the pedal to the metal.
  2. Check right and left for careless drivers.
  3. Yield to oncoming traffic.
  4. Check her side mirrors.

Broken yellow lines separate _____.

  1. Two-way roads where you can legally pass.
  2. Two-lane roads with one-way traffic.
  3. One-lane roads where you can't pass.
  4. Racing lanes.

You may turn left on red when _____.

  1. The light is a red arrow.
  2. A one-way street meets a one-way street.
  3. A two-way street meets a two-way street.
  4. You're in a residential area.

When is the only time you should enter two-way left turn lanes placed in the middle of two-way roads?

  1. When you need to pass someone in front of you.
  2. When you need to stop and take a break.
  3. To make a safe left turn.
  4. When you drop something out of your window and need to retrieve it.

At the sight of this, Stella must _____.

  1. Make a complete stop without blocking the pedestrian crosswalk.
  2. Speed up. It's opposite day!
  3. Make a complete stop right on top of the pedestrian crosswalk.
  4. Slow down to watch for pedestrians before crossing.

Railroad warning signs warn _____.

  1. If it is safe to cross the tracks.
  2. If we are approaching or next to a railroad.
  3. If a train is approaching.
  4. If it's time to make a dancing train.

You are driving down the highway when you see this sign. What is its meaning?

  1. The road ahead is not for the soft of heart.
  2. The road ahead is for large vehicles. If you're in one, speed up.
  3. The road surface ahead is only for 4-wheel drive vehicles.
  4. The road surface ahead is in poor condition. Slow down.

Driving yourself to school, you see this sign over the lane you are in. What should you do?

  1. Switch to another lane. This may only be used by buses in the A.M.
  2. Nothing. Nobody can tell you are driving by yourself.
  3. Switch lanes. Only high occupancy vehicles can use this in the A.M.
  4. Stay in the lane. High occupancy vehicles can't use this in the A.M.

Only a police officer can give you a speeding ticket.

  1. TRUE.
  2. FALSE.

If you see this sign on a two-lane road, what does it mean?

  1. Nothing in particular will happen.
  2. The number of lanes is about to be reduced. Beware of merging traffic.
  3. Speed up as soon as possible.
  4. Soon the road will become much narrower.

Aceable Level 4 Assessment Answers

You can avoid getting points for a traffic violation by:

  1. Committing traffic violations in other states.
  2. Apologizing to the police officer.
  3. Taking traffic violator school.
  4. Doing community service.

How many days do you have to register a newly purchased vehicle?

  1. 1 year.
  2. 60 days.
  3. 10 days.
  4. 15 days.

BAC stands for _____.

  1. Beer and concentration.
  2. Blood alcohol concentration.
  3. Breath alcohol connection.
  4. Blood alcohol centerpiece.

Car owners have to take on several financial responsibilities. Which of the following ISN'T one of them?

  1. Registration.
  2. Insurance.
  3. Gas.
  4. Organ and tissue donations.

When pulled over by a law enforcement officer, you should _____.

  1. Pull over and stop in the right shoulder.
  2. Try your best to lose the officer.
  3. Stop right where you are.
  4. Move over to the center lane.

Not having car insurance is _____.

  1. Legal.
  2. Recommended.
  3. Illegal.
  4. Cost-effective.

Liability insurance pays for the expenses of others in crashes caused by _____ under your policy.

  1. Only you.
  2. You and your family covered.
  3. Other drivers not covered.
  4. You and other drivers covered.

If a minor (age 13 to 20) is convicted of using alcohol or a controlled substance while operating a vehicle, the court will order the suspension of their driver license for _____.

  1. Six months.
  2. Two years.
  3. One month .
  4. One year.

If you are convicted of possessing a _____, your license may be suspended.

  1. Fake ID.
  2. Hunting knife.
  3. Baseball bat.
  4. A non-Aceable driving course.

If you fail to _____, your license may be suspended.

  1. Pay child support.
  2. Call mom on Sundays.
  3. Wash your car.
  4. Change your oil regularly.

Aceable Level 5 Assessment Answers

You're driving on the highway an hour before sunset, buy you can barely make out the vehicle 500 feet in front of you. What should you do?

  1. Speed up to catch up to the car.
  2. Wait 30 minutes, then turn on your headlights.
  3. Turn on your headlights.
  4. Turn your headlights off.

Where do you find the gearshift lever in a vehicle with an automatic transmission?

  1. On the dashboard.
  2. Under your seat.
  3. On the center console or steering column.
  4. In the glove compartment.

What does ABS stand for?

  1. Automatic Backup System.
  2. Muscular Stomach.
  3. Automobile Brake Simulator.
  4. Antilock Brake System.

The controls of the windshield wiper and windshield washer are usually located on _____.

  1. One switch.
  2. The center console.
  3. Over your head.
  4. Two levers.

A great way to prevent car break-ins is to _____.

  1. Leave the engine running.
  2. Hide your keys in the ignition.
  3. Park your car in desolate areas.
  4. Not leave valuables in your car.

How often should you change the oil and oil filter in your vehicle?

  1. Every 3 months or 3,000 miles.
  2. Every 2 months or 2,000 miles.
  3. Every 3 months.
  4. Every 10,000 miles.

A car thief is more likely to steal an old car than a new car.

  1. FALSE.
  2. TRUE.

How do you know when to replace the pads in your disc brakes?

  1. When your tires are worn.
  2. When you hear a squealing noise while braking.
  3. After 3,000 miles.
  4. When the warning light on your dashboard comes on.

The display that counts the number of miles a vehicle has driven over its lifetime is called the _____.

  1. Tachometer.
  2. Milometer.
  3. Usage report.
  4. Odometer.

To turn right, push the signal lever _____.

  1. In.
  2. Out.
  3. Down.
  4. Up.

Aceable Level 6 Assessment Answers

Pete's mother has a physical disability. He borrows her car to go to the grocery store and parks in one of the spaces reserved for customers with disabilities up front. Was this correct?

  1. No, he is not driving his mother, who has a disability.
  2. Yes, if the car has a handicap license plate.
  3. No, Pete needs to exercise more.
  4. Yes, he is buying groceries for his mother.

How can you avoid highway hypnosis?

  1. Stop every 5 hours or 300 miles.
  2. Don't drive more than 12 hours a day.
  3. Don't drive with hypnotists.
  4. Don't drive more than 8 hours a day and stop every 2 hours or 100 miles.

If the road becomes wet or crowded, you should _____.

  1. Maintain your following distance.
  2. Decrease your following distance.
  3. Increase you following distance.
  4. Drive faster.

The acceleration lane on expressways is used for _____.

  1. Entering the freeway.
  2. Leaving the freeway.
  3. Passing other vehicles.
  4. Pulling over.

Most fatal crashes that involve speeding happen on the freeway.

  1. FALSE.
  2. TRUE.

When parallel parking, what is the first thing you must do?

  1. Get the front of your vehicle into the space to reserve it.
  2. Line up your vehicle evenly with the empty space.
  3. Pull up even with the rear car, about two feet out from the space.
  4. Pull up even with the front car, about two feet out from the space.

The suggested safe following distance for drivers is _____ seconds.

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 6
  4. 1

In order to avoid accidents, good defensive drivers steer clear of _____.

  1. Highways.
  2. Driving altogether.
  3. Acceleration lanes.
  4. Other driver's blind spots.

Before changing gears to reverse it is important to _____.

  1. Have a clear view of the front windshield.
  2. Have a clear view of the rear window.
  3. Have two hands on the steering wheel.
  4. Let go of the brake.

At a 4-way stop, drivers _____ should go first.

  1. Who are in the biggest vehicle.
  2. Who are dancing.
  3. Who arrived first.
  4. Who are on the left.

Aceable Level 7 Assessment Answers

If your vehicle overheats, you should do all of the following, EXCEPT:

  1. Turn off the AC.
  2. Turn on the heater.
  3. Remove the radiator cap.
  4. Pull over.

Your engine might be flooded if you smell _____ while driving.

  1. A steamy, sweet smell.
  2. A burnt plastic smell.
  3. Freshly baked cookies.
  4. Gasoline.

For recovery from hydroplaning, apply _____ pressure to brakes.

  1. Sudden.
  2. All-of-the.
  3. Gradual.
  4. Abrupt.

Why shouldn't you turn off your car if the accelerator sticks?

  1. You won't be able to listen to the radio.
  2. You won't be able to use your accelerator.
  3. You won't be able to use your emergency brake.
  4. You won't be able to use power steering.

You can never be held liable for trying to help someone.

  1. TRUE.
  2. FALSE.

Which of the following is NOT a good tool to use when driving in fog?

  1. Your low-beam headlights.
  2. Your high-beam headlights.
  3. Your defroster.
  4. Your wipers.

What will be affected when you drive on icy roads?

  1. Your ability to shift.
  2. Your sanity.
  3. Your ability to use headlights.
  4. Your stopping distance.

Why should you give more space to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists in bad weather?

  1. They are more likely to ignore bad weather.
  2. Bad weather doesn't affect them.
  3. Bad weather is ever more difficult for them.
  4. They always take risks.

You must do all of the following when aiding the injured in a crash EXCEPT:

  1. You should refrain from lifting or moving the victim unless you have to.
  2. You should stop serious bleeding with thick cloths.
  3. You should call an ambulance.
  4. You should move the victim.

Which zone does your vehicle occupy?

  1. The 6th zone.
  2. The 1st zone.
  3. The spin zone.
  4. The 7th zone.

Aceable Level 8 Assessment Answers

No matter what, avoid hitting animals on the road.

  1. FALSE.
  2. TRUE.

Bicyclists must always ride as close as possible to the right curb or edge of the road, no exeptions.

  1. TRUE.
  2. FALSE.

Pedestrians who are drinking or under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs should stay off the streets.

  1. FALSE.
  2. TRUE.

While driving, you see a school bus in the opposite lane dropping off students. There is no median. When is it ok to go?

  1. You can go once the red lights turn off.
  2. You don't have to stop. The bus is in the opposite lane.
  3. You can go as soon as the students are safely on the sidewalks.
  4. Don't stop. You have the right of way.

If you approach a horse on the road while driving, you should NOT:

  1. Drive slowly.
  2. Follow any orders given by the animal's owner.
  3. Avoid making sudden movements.
  4. Honk your horn so it will get out of the way.

A dog is allowed to ride in the bed of a truck as long as:

  1. Another passenger called "shotgun" first.
  2. It is accompanied by someone over the age of 16.
  3. The trip is less than 5 miles.
  4. It is properly secured.

If you can't see the truck driver in their side mirror, they can't see you either.

  1. FALSE.
  2. TRUE.

Bike crashes are most common when _____.

  1. The driver turns in front of the path of a biker.
  2. The bicyclists are hiding their fixed-gear bicycles.
  3. The driver doesn't give a biker the right of way at an intersection.
  4. The driver turns in front of the path of a biker OR the driver doesn't give a biker the right of way at an intersection.

Stopped in an intersection at a red light, you are in the lane left of a semi truck. What should you look out for when the light turns green?

  1. Be on the lookout for the truck making a wide right turn.
  2. The truck driver honking his horn.
  3. Be on the lookout for the truck making a left turn.
  4. The truck driver taking a while to get momentum.

A pedestrian may _____ if there aren't sidewalks.

  1. Walk with traffic (on the right side of the street).
  2. Not use a street.
  3. Walk in the center of the street.
  4. Walk against traffic (on the left side of the street).

Aceable Level 9 Assessment Answers

Only ILLEGAL drug use can negatively alter your vision and cause a crash.

  1. FALSE.
  2. TRUE.

What are the two major drug categories?

  1. Stimulants and over-the-counter drugs.
  2. Stimulants and depressants.
  3. Stimulants and prescription drugs.
  4. Depressants and prescription drugs.

Alcohol is a _____ drug that affects your coordination, judgement, perception, and emotional state.

  1. Prescription.
  2. Depressant.
  3. Upper.
  4. Street.

What is a consequence of refusing a law enforcement officer's request to take a breathalyzer or blood test?

  1. Your driver license is automatically suspended.
  2. You will receive a warning from the police officer.
  3. Nothing happens if it's a first time offense.
  4. You'll receive a citation for a moving violation.

Drinking one drink can impair your ability to drive.

  1. TRUE.
  2. FALSE.

What is the most common drug (besides alcohol) found in crashes involving impaired drivers?

  1. Marijuana.
  2. Heroin.
  3. Prescription drugs.
  4. Cocaine.

If you drive with a BAC level of _____% or more (or ANY measurable amount if you are under 21 years old), your driver license will be suspended even if you are not convicted in court of driving under the influence (DUI).

  1. 0.05
  2. 0.08
  3. 0.50
  4. 0.80

What is a breathalyzer?

  1. A tool that helps the police breathe after running.
  2. A tool that helps the elderly breathe.
  3. A tool that measures bad breathe.
  4. A tool to test driver's blood alcohol content.

Regarding drinking and driving. If you are under 21, you are subject to _____.

  1. Zero tolerance.
  2. Bad pizza.
  3. Zero tickets.
  4. Cleaning up dead deer on 1-84.

Both illegal and prescription/over-the-counter drugs can have negative effects on your ability to drive.

  1. TRUE.
  2. FALSE.

Aceable Traffic School Final Exam Answers

On packed snow, you should drive _____.

  1. Twice as fast.
  2. Normal speed.
  3. Half as fast.
  4. Warp speed.

Which of the following is the most common factor in traffic collisions?

  1. Violating right-of-way rules.
  2. Driving on the wrong side of the road.
  3. Driving at an unsafe speed.
  4. Violating stop signs and signals.

When you change lanes you should do what?

  1. Cross two lanes at one time.
  2. Flash your headlights.
  3. Look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move.
  4. Honk you horn before changing lanes.

Which of the following time periods had the most fatal traffic collisions in California during 2017?

  1. 12 p.m. - 6:59 p.m.
  2. 5 a.m. - 11:59 a.m.
  3. 7 p.m. - 1:59 a.m.
  4. Rush Hour 3

What do broken white lines mean?

  1. You can pass when it's safe.
  2. Drive with caution.
  3. You shall not pass.
  4. It's an exit-only lane.

Stella wants to go to a party with her best friend who will be drinking. What's the best course of action?

  1. She should make sure to return with her so her friend will drive safely.
  2. She should test her friend to see how much the alcohol has affected her.
  3. She should ask a sober friend before the party to take her home.
  4. She should wait and see if her best friend changes her mind about drinking.

Which of these is NOT considered a driving distraction?

  1. Eating.
  2. All are considered distractions.
  3. Applying makeup.
  4. Changing the radio.

When being tailgated, you should _____.

  1. Publicly shame them on social media.
  2. Do the "brake light test."
  3. Get out of the way and let them pass.
  4. Speed up.

If your headlights go out, turn on all of the following EXCEPT your:

  1. Signal lights.
  2. Hazard lights.
  3. Parking lights.
  4. Nightlights.

Why is there an increased risk of hydroplaning on pavement during rainy weather?

  1. All choices are correct.
  2. Rainwater mixes with road oils.
  3. Rainwater mixes with dirt on the road.
  4. Rainwater mixes with road grease.

Casey is planning on taking a road trip with her friends. What should she take care of before driving?

  1. Nothing. Spontaneous trips are the best!
  2. She must make sure she has enough mix CDs.
  3. She should check her tires before driving.
  4. She should make sure her car gets washed.

As a pedestrian, you should cross the street using _____.

  1. A hoverboard.
  2. Any area you choose.
  3. A crosswalk.
  4. A sidewalk.

By driving in California, you are consenting to _____ if it's requested of you.

  1. Taking a blood alcohol test.
  2. Picking up a hitch hiker.
  3. Admitting guilt in a crash.
  4. Helping a stranded motorist.

Whenever you enter traffic, signal and be sure you:

  1. Should drive slower than other traffic for 200 feet.
  2. Have enough room to safely enter the lane.
  3. Stick your nose out far enough so someone will HAVE let you in.
  4. Should wait for the first two vehicles to pass, then drive into the lane.

Which of these driving skills is affected by alcohol?

  1. All choices are correct.
  2. Reaction time.
  3. Vision.
  4. Coordination.

In a traffic circle/roundabout, yield the right of way to _____.

  1. Vehicles on the right.
  2. Vehicles exiting the roundabout.
  3. Circle-shaped vehicles.
  4. Vehicles already in the traffic circle/roundabout.

Avoid gridlock by _____ before entering an intersection.

  1. Tailgating.
  2. Following the driver in front of you.
  3. Making sure there is enough space to exit.
  4. Driving fast.

If there is a solid, double _____ line in your lane, you cannot pass.

  1. Invisible.
  2. Brown.
  3. Yellow.
  4. Black.

When's the best time to adjust your radio station?

  1. When driving on a street with a speed limit of 25 mph or less.
  2. When there are no cars close to you.
  3. When "Mambo No.5" comes on the radio.
  4. When stopped at a read light.

BAC stands for _____

  1. Blood Alcohol Crime.
  2. Better Act Chill.
  3. Booze Ain't Cool.
  4. Blood Alcohol Concentration.

What does a vehicle's tachometer measure?

  1. Number of tacos.
  2. Revolutions per minute (RPM).
  3. Fuel level.
  4. Miles per hour (MPH).

Where is it NOT okay to pass another vehicle?

  1. Within 100 feet of an intersection.
  2. All choices are correct.
  3. When there is a double solid yellow line.
  4. On a curve or hill.

Which of the following is NOT a good method to countering aggressive driving?

  1. Increase your following distance.
  2. Plan your trip ahead of time so you aren't rushed.
  3. Don't tailgate.
  4. Limit your following distance to less than 1 second.

What should you keep around you to give yourself time to brake or maneuver?

  1. An egg timer.
  2. Other drivers alongside you.
  3. A warm blanket.
  4. A space cushion.

If a pedestrian is in the crosswalk, who hast the right of way?

  1. The driver does.
  2. Whoever has the green light.
  3. It depends on the light.
  4. The pedestrian does.
Aceable Traffic School Answers: Level Assessment + Final Exam - Traffic School Critics (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.