Obituaries and Death Notices of Navarro County, Texas (2024)

Captain Sam Andrews, a well to do farmer residing about eight miles west of Corsicana, was in that city on business which kept him overnight. He stopped at the Grady house but was found next morning by a policeman living by the sidewalk dead. He slept during the night in the second story of the house and is supposed to have arisen in the night and walked out on the awning from which he fell to the ground. When found his neck was broken and his body still warm. A coroner's jury was summoned and a verdict was rendered in accord with the above statement. His body was taken to his home and buried at Blooming Grove. Captain Andrews was a candidate for the office of tax assessor of Navarro county a few years since and was esteemed throughout the county. (Wise County Messenger, Decatur, Tex, Dec 26, 1885)

Austin, Texas - Jan. 24 - A private telegram received today brought the news of the ---- in Corsicana of A. B. Armstrong. Armstrong was well known - Southwest Texas and was --- with all who knew him. (The Houston Post, Houston, Tex, Jan 25, 1897 - vm)

Man Dies in Gasoline Explosion at Pampa
Corsicana, TX, July 4 - Charles Arnett, former resident of Corsicana, was burned to death at Pampa Sunday, according to word reaching here. It is thought that a can of gasoline exploded. Mr. Arnett was running a combine threshing machine.
The body will be forwarded to Corsicana, but the time of its arrival has not been announced. Funeral services will be held here.
Mr. Arnett is survived by his wife, his father, J.M. Arnett, who lives three miles north of Corsicana; two brothers, Frank Arnett, Corsicana; Robert Arnett, Dallas, and one sister, Mrs. Allie Lake, Corsicana. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, July 5, 1927. KT)

Mrs. A. C. Bagby, of Corsicana, Tex., died in Roanoke last Wednesday at the residence of her son-in-law, MR. S. B. Cary. Mrs. Bagby was a sister of Mrs. R. B. Snead, of this city. (Richmond Dispatch, Richmond, Va, Oct 19, 1900 - vm)

Death of Mrs. Beebe
Mrs. M. J. Beebe died yesterday afternoon at her home on Twentieth street and Eleventh avenue. She was an elderly lady and her advanced age caused a general breakdown which resulted in her death.
The deceased was the mother of Rev. Geo. A. Beebe who is well known here.
The funeral services were held this afternoon and the remains were interred in Oakwood Cemetery. (Daily Courier-Light, Corsicana, Tex, Feb 4, 1905 - vm)

Jackson, Sept 30 - A. H. Blakely, of Corsicana, Tex., who was visiting his brother, R. L. Blakely, this city, was found dead in bed. He retired in his usual health and the cause of death is not known. He was about 30 years of age. The remains were shipped this afternoon to Corsicana. (The Tennessean, Nashville, Tenn, Oct 1, 1899 - vm)

Died: Mr. Fred R. Brassart, Corsicana, September 25. (Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Fort Worth, Tex, Sept 30, 1890 - vm)

Mrs. Jack Bridges, wife of our esteemed fellow townsmen, died yesterday morning at Mrs. Byrd's boarding house of consumption. The deceased leaves an affectionate husband and several small children, one an infant only six months of age, to mourn her demise. Her remains were interred in the city cemetery this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of all in their hour of affliction. (Corsicana Daily Courier, Corsicana, Tex, Oct 25, 1888 - vm)

Corsicana, Tex. , July 28. Columbus Brown, aged 73, a colored farmer of the Kerens neighborhood, died at his home last night and was buried today. Deceased left an estate valued at over $25,000. A considerable portion of it was cash. He left no will. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex, 1 Aug. 1900 MZ)

Corsicana, Texas, August 4 - John Bryant, a Confederate veteran who was raised in Navarro county, died at McGregor Wednesday, August 1, and his remains were brought here yesterday and buried in the Hamilton graveyard a few miles from the city. (The Houston Post, Houston, Tex, Aug 7, 1900 - vm)

Corsicana, Texas, Aug 20 - Mrs. Callie Carpenter wife of ex-county Attorney Lewis Carpenter, died at the residence of Mr. T.W. Carpenter, five miles southeast from the city, yesterday at noon, and the funeral services were held here at 10 o'clock this morning. The interment was at Dresden this afternoon at 2 o'clock. (Dallas Morning News, 25 Aug 1899, BZ)

Col. Chambliss, father of Capt. W. R. Chambliss, of this parish, died at his home in Corsicana, Tex, a few days ago. Col. Chambliss had reached a ripe old age and up to a short time before his death retained a large amount of the remarkable energy that characterized his younger days. [Bulletin] - (The Banner-Democrat, Lake Providence, La, Jul 13, 1889 - vm)

CHURCH, Capt. B. F.
Calvert, Tex., June 15 - Capt. B. F. Church died at his residence in this city this morning at 2:30 o'clock in his 78th year. Capt. Church was born Oct. 13, 1827, in Jacksonville, Ill. He married Mrs. Mary E. Kincaid, nee Sweetman, at Waverly, Ill., July 18, 1859. They are the parents of ten children, five of whom are living. The Captain was a staunch Democrat of the pure Jeffersonian type. Early in January 1854, the Captain moved with his family to Texas, settling in Corsicana, later in the same year he moved to Fairfield, Freestone County, and in 1857 he moved to Bell County. Although a Northern man he was ever loyal to the South. In 1863 he assisted in raising a Belton infantry company for the Confederate service; was elected First Lieutenant of the company (H. E. Bradford, Captain) preceded to Victoria, Tex, and was mustered into service in Company F, Sixth Texas infantry, Col. Garland commanding.
He was captured at Arkansas Post and spent four months as a prisoner at Camp Chase, Ohio; he was exchanged in Virginia and sent to Bragg's army, then in Tennessee. From there he was transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department, reporting to E. Kirby Smith for duty. Procuring a thirty days' furlough he joined his family at Owensville, Tex. Before the expiration of this furlough, he was appointed (without solicitation) enrolling officer for Robertson County, where he remained until the close of the war. He moved with his family to Bremond in 1869, and in 1874 he located in Calvert, where he has since resided.
Capt. Church has been a member of the Masonic fraternity for more than fifty years. His aged widow and the following children survive him; Walter F. of Fort Worth, Edwin H. of Corsicana, Dr. Benjamin F. of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Ella Davis of Cisco and Miss Lillian of Calvert; also fourteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
He will be buried this afternoon at 5:30 under the auspices of Pierce Lodge No. 144, A. F. and A. M. (The Galveston Daily News, Galveston, Tex, Jun 16, 1905 - vm)

The body of D. H. Davis who died at 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon at St. Paul’s Sanitarium was sent by Undertaker George W. Loudermilk to Kerens, Navarro County, Tex., for burial, leaving Dallas at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Davis resided at Kerens. He was 51 years of age. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, Saturday, November 29, 1913. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

James E. Dearen , 67, Corsicana, Tex., formerly of Florence, died recently there. Survivors include the widow, Mr. Jimmie Lee Dearen; three sons, Billy Dearen, Beaumont, Tex., John L. Dearen, Spain, Lee Dearen, Corsicana; two daughters, Nancy and Martha, both of Corsicana; six grandchildren: seven sister, Mrs. Minnie Sego, Waterloo, Mrs. Clara South, Waterloo, Mrs. Margie Morgan, Memphis, Mrs. Gladys Ellis, Memphis, Mrs. Addie Miller, Memphis, Mrs. Vera Posey, Jasper, Laverne Crockett, Forest City, Ark.; five brothers, Lee Dearen, Waco, Tex., Garland Dearen, Memphis, Ed Dearen, Memphis, J.L. Dearen, Arkansas, Clarimont Dearen, Memphis. He is also survived by nieces and nephews in this area. - Contributed by Mildred Gean Mason - Times Daily News, Florence, Alabama - Note: family records show Mr. Dearen was born 15 Apr, 1897 at Dart, Lauderdale County, Alabama and died 5 Dec. 1964, in Marlin, Falls County, Texas.

Corsicana - L. A. Dunnegan, who was accidentally shot in the foot some days ago, has died of his injuries, gangrene having set in after amputation. (The Houston Post, Houston, Tex, Sept 20, 1897 - vm)

Died at Barry
A. K. Elkins, aged seventy-four years, and for more than forty years a resident of Navarro county, died at his home in Barry at 7:30 o’clock this morning of pneumonia, after only a few days’ illness, and the remains will be interred at Dresden tomorrow. The deceased was a member of the Christian church and was a most excellent citizen. He is survived by his widow and these grown children: Leonard Elkins, H. K. Elkins, W. A. Elkins, Hartzell Elkins and Miss Edna Elkins. (Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, Corsicana, Texas, Friday, Jan. 25, 1918 mz)

Mrs. Farmer, Pioneer of Navarro County, Is Dead
Blooming Grove, Navarro Co., Texas, March 16 – Mrs. M. E. Farmer, who died south of town, was the last of a large family of pioneers, her father, R. V. Morrell, having come to Texas in 1848, settling in Corsicana. He was once owner of the land where the home of Roger Q. Mills, Texas, United States Senator, was located. Mrs. Farmer was married to the Rev. P. E. Farmer, now dead, in 1857. They were the parents of twelve children, of whom six survive. They are Mrs. Mary fa*gala, Mrs. L. L. Smith, Mrs. Frank Mathews and Mrs. George Estell of Blooming Grove and Mrs. M. L. Waller, San Antonio, and John J. Farmer of California. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Tuesday, March 17, 1925. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Died: Chas. H. Ferguson, near City, Jan 21, aged 22 years. (Daily Courier-Light, Corsicana, Tex, Feb 6, 1905 - vm)

Col. Bob Finch, Sr., died at his home about 14 miles northwest of here in Navarro county last night and Charlie Stephens went out with the hearse today to conduct the funeral. Deceased was well known here, and we with his many friends join in extending sympathy to the family. (The State Herald, Mexia, Tex, Jan 3, 1902 - vm)

Navarro County Pioneer Dead
Corsicana, Tex., July 29 – Capt C. Fouty, a pioneer who came to Navarro County in 1846, who commanded a company in the Fifteenth Texas Infantry during the Civil War, and who was one of the original “forty-niners” who made the overland trip to California in search of gold, died at Re, this county, last night, aged 75 years. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Thursday, July 30, 1903. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Death of Mrs. O. J. Freeman – Deceased was born in Mississippi Seventy-three Years Ago
Mrs. O. J. Freeman died at the home of her daughter Mrs. A. L. Henry, 164 Masten street, Friday night. The deceased who was Miss Ophelia Tillman was a native of Copeah County, Mississippi, where she was born seventy-three years ago. She went to Navarro County, Texas in 1873 and there resided until recently. She is survived by four children: Fred W. Freeman and John T. Freeman of El Paso, and Mrs. Henry and Miss Inez Freeman of Dallas. Funeral services were held at 5 p.m. yesterday, Rev. R. C. Buckner, assisted by Rev. G. A. Farris, officiating. The body was sent to Corsicana for interment. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, Sunday, December 6, 1908. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Blooming Grove, Navarro Co., Texas, Jan. 9 – Mrs. M. E. Hartzell Fultz, 89, died at her home at Old Dresden, near here, Wednesday morning at 5 o’clock, after six weeks’ illness. She had lived in this county more than eighty years.
Mrs. Fultz was born March 10, 1840 at Meridian, Miss. Came to Texas at the age of 8 years with her parents in an ox wagon and settled near her present home. She was married to D. B. Hartzell in 1860 after whose death she was again married in 1896 to D. B. Fultz.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Fred Fleming, Muskogee, Ok., Mrs. Mary Sullenburger, Corsicana, and Mrs. carrie Luterloh, Jonesboro, Ark., and a son Jacob Hartzell, Conway, Ark. B. F. Hartzell, a son died in Corsicana in March 1924; a brother James T. Carroll; a sister, Mrs. E. M. Mabry, both of Blooming Grove and a large number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services will be held at the family residence at Dresden at 2 o’clock Thursday followed by burial at Dresden Cemetery. The name of Grandmother Hartzell Fultz is inseparably linked with all the religious and political history of Dresden and Navarro county and it was one of the greatest delights of her declining years to recall the events of the early pioneer days and relate them to her younger friends. (Dallas Morning News (Dallas, Tx), Thursday, January 10, 1929. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Died, at Midway, this county, and buried at the Midway schoolhouse on Tuesday afternoon, James Furney, about 30 years old. The cause of death was black jaundice. His nearest relatives are in Freestone county, where his brother resides. He leaves considerable property which is temporarily taken charge of by his friends. It was a sad death as he was all alone, having no one about him but his paid attendant. (Corsicana Daily Courier, Corsicana, Tex, Oct 25, 1888 - vm)

James Garitty, 83, Dies in Corsicana
Man said to be Oldest Bank in State answers last call
Corsicana, Texas., March 11, Captain James Garitty, 83 years old, said to have been the oldest banker in Texas in active harness died here at 8:00 Wednesday night. He was president of the First National Bank and held numerous other business connections. He was noted for his philanthropies.
In connection with Roger Q. Mills, former United States Senator from Texas, Captain Garitty developed 930 acres of shallow oil land in the Navarro county fields, drilling a total of 123 wells of which only three failed to produce oil. Most of the wells were drilled bout 1898 and forty of them are still producing.
Besides being president of the First National Bank he was a director in three wholesale grocery companies and of the Corsicana Cotton Mills and was president of the Navarro Cotton Oil Company. He served for a time as grand commander of the Knights Templar of Texas.
Banker 54 Years
Capt. James Garitty had been actively engaged in banking business in Corsicana for fifty-four years. He was born at Dublin, Ireland, and at the age of 3 years came to the United States with his parents landing at New York. From New York the family went to Cincinnati, Ohio in search of an uncle who had come to America several years previous. Failing to find the relative at Cincinnati, the search was continued to Kentucky where he was located. After a short stay in Kentucky the family moved to New Orleans where they finally settled and it was in the schools of New Orleans that Captain Garitty received his education. In early manhood fifty-eight years ago he came to Calvert, Texas where he was engaged in the banking business. The late Joseph Huey was in the mercantile business at that place and a partnership was formed between those two pioneer Texans, which resulted in the organization of the First National Bank of Corsicana occurred in 1886 and was a continuation of the Huey & Garitty Bank. Captain Garitty was active president of the First National Bank until called by death.
Served in Southern Army
Captain Garitty served with distinction in the Confederate Army during the war between the North and the South, being wounded twice and commissioned on the battlefield. He went into the army from New Orleans and served with Company E, Fifth Louisiana Regiment.
Besides being president of the First National Bank here he was interested in a number of Corsicana business concerns and held many other interests over the state. He was prominently identified with the St. Louis South Western Railroad many years, being a member of the board of directors at his death.
He was always generous in his gifts to worthy charitable causes and several years ago established a permanent fund of $100,000 known as the Garitty Charity Fund, the interest from which is used for various charitable purposes. It has been said that he has given away four times as much as he possessed. He has held many honorary positions with various local organizations and took an active part in all war work during the World War. He was probably one of the most prominent bankers in the State of Texas at the time of his death. Under the direction of the First National Bank has brown and prospered until it now enjoys the reputation of being one of the strongest banks in the State.
He was a Master Mason both Scottish and York Rite and a Shriner. He was also a member of the B. P. O. Elks, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. His wife died many years ago and is buried at Corsicana. He never married again.
He is survived by a sister in law, Mrs. Lita Garrity of Corsicana and the following nieces and nephews: J. N. Garitty, Misses Margurite and Agnes Garitty all of Corsicana; Johnnie and Bennie Garitty, both of Dallas, Mrs. Michael Hunt of Marlin, Captain Nick Garitty, Fred and James Garrity, Mrs. Richard Hagen, Mrs. John Ponder, Dr. John Adams, Agnes, Allie, Nellie, Bella, Susie and James McCord all of New Orleans.
Funeral services will be conducted at Corsicana at 3 p.m. Friday in charge of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Texas, of which Mr. Garrity was past grand commander. The Grand Commandery has been called by C. L. Alderman of Dallas, grand commander to meet at 1 p.m. Friday in special session. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Thursday, March 12, 1925. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

GIBBS, Mrs. W. J.
Friday, September 25, 1885 – (Died) Mrs. W. J. Gibbs, wife of Corsicana City Attorney, former resident of this town [Fairfield] , and Mexia. (Source: Abstracts from Fairfield Recorder, Freestone County, Texas, "Quarterly of The Central Texas Genealogical Society, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1969; transcribed by Genealogy Trails Transcription Team)

Corsicana, Tex., Oct. 12. At her residence in East Corsicana, last evening Mrs. Nancy Gideon, nee McGree, died, and was buried this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The deceased was in her 47th year and had lived twenty eight of them in Corsicans. (Dallas Morning News, Oct. 13, 1900 – Transcribed by Dena Whitesell)

Former Resident of Navarro County Dead
John Glynn, a former resident of Navarro county, died at his home in Stanton, Texas, March 11. Uncle John, as he was familiarly know, would have been 100 years old on March 23, of this year. A brief history of his life together with his picture appeared in today's issue of the Dallas News.
He was born in Connecticut March 23, 1823, moved to Australia in 1849. Returning to the United States in 1865 he lived in Chicago for a number of years, moving to tExas in 1871 and made his home in Navarro county for some time, later moving to Lubbock and then to Stanton where he made his home until his death.
At the age of 65 he married Miss Josephine Childress. He is survived by three children, Tom, Patrick and Mary Glynn.
He also has a number of relatives in Navarro county. (Corsicana Daily Sun, Corsicana, Tex, Mar 24, 1923 - vm)

CORSICANA, TEXAS, Feb 5- Died at the residence of Hon. Marion Martin last evening. Mrs. Harriet N. Harle, aged 77 years. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. Marion Martin, R.B. Harle and J.R.Harle of this city. (Dallas Morning News, 7 Feb 1899, BZ)

Harrison – Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 8 – Mrs. Tillie Harrison, 81 years old, died at her home near Pursley, this county. The body was buried at the Dresden Cemetery yesterday. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Thursday, October 9, 1919. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Killed By Lightning
Kerens, Tex., May 7 – Charlie Henderson, a young man living about four miles south of this place, was killed by lightning while plowing in his field. Mr. Henderson has relatives at Longview and Frost, Tex., (Evening Messenger, Marshall, Tex., May 7, 1897 – vm)

Two Navarro County Boys Die in France
Corsicana, Texas., Nov. 25 – Word received here today tells of the death of two Navarro county boys in France and the severe wounding of another. Charles B. Johnson died of wounds on Oct. 8. He is survived by several cousins but the members of his immediate family are dead. M. J. Watkins of Eureka near here, was killed in action on Nov. 1. Lieutenant Ford D. Albritton, 360th Infantry, was severely wounded in a recent attack. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex, Tuesday, November 26, 1918. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Colonel Henry Jones, another veteran who sleeps until the final trumpet call. In the last days of 1888, at his home in Corsicana, Colonel Jones surrendered to the inevitable. He was one of the founders of the Texas Republic and a leading spirit in the brave deeds that make up its early history. The trusted friend of Sam Houston, he became commander of the state troops, and rendered signal services extending the borders of the frontier and protecting the western settlements from the encroachments of the Indians. Colonel Jones was eighty-one years of age at the time of his death, of which over a half century was spent in Texas, and much of that in the service of the state. The late Adjutant-General Jones was his son, and Mrs. Roger Q. Mills is one of two surviving daughters. He leaves but few of his compatriots behind him, and for these lies just ahead that eternal rest which is the due reward of the moral heroism which was so signally displayed in the lives of the Texas pioneers. (Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Fort Worth, Tex, Jan 2, 1889 - vm)

Friday, October 9, 1885 – Corsiana Observer: Mr. William Jordan, respected citizen of East Corsicana, died last Sunday. (Source: Abstracts from Fairfield Recorder, Freestone County, Texas, "Quarterly of The Central Texas Genealogical Society, Oct., Nov., Dec. 1969; transcribed by Genealogy Trails Transcription Team)

Corsicana, Tex., Sept. 20. Mrs. J.B. Kirven died at Cade Sunday. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas , TX, Thursday, September 22, 1892 sd)

Wortham, Texas, January 11 - A. M. Kurb died and was buried here yesterday afternoon. He was moving from Horn Hill to Eureka and took sick here Saturday and died yesterday. (The Houston Daily Post, Houston, Tex, Jan 12, 1897 - vm)

LEA, Colonel ALBERT M.
Colonel Albert M. Lea died yesterday at Corsicana, Tex, at the age of 84 years. Colonel Lea was a graduate of West Point, and while serving under General Fremont he supervised the survey of Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and a large portion of the United States lying west of the Mississippi River. (The San Francisco Call, San Francisco, Calif, Jan 17, 1891 - vm)

MARLOW, Mrs. A. J.
Navarro County Old Settler Dead
Corsicana, Tex., Aug. 22 – Mrs. A. J. Marlow, an old settler of Navarro County died yesterday at her home in Eureka, at the age of 78 years. She leaves six children about thirty grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex, Sunday, August 23, 1903. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

The sad news of the death of Mr. John M. Martin which occurred at Batson last week, was received with much sorrow in our community as Mr. and Mrs. Martin had both resided here since early childhood and had many friends and relatives at Mildred. The writer extends tenderest sympathy to the bereaved. (Daily Courier-Light, Corsicana, Tex, July 8, 1904 - vm)

Kerens, Texas, March 21 – Funeral services for C. T. McConnico were held Monday with burial in the Kerens cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge. Mc. McConnico was born in Alabama and with his parents moved to Texas and to Navarro County in 1853. He was married to Miss Sibil A. Ingram of Rural Shade in 1868, residing in this county continuously from that date. He was a man of high sense of honor, decided opinions in all matters of a public nature, enterprising in his nature and ever ready to respond to the call of his community in civic matters. He was an active member of the Masonic, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythia and other lodges. He had served this section in various capacities and at the time of his death was serving the second term as postmaster.
The funeral services were largely attended with the following out of town people present: J. W. McConnico of Lufkin, W. W. McConnico of Port Arthur, Mrs. Mattie Quinn and Mrs. Allie Quinn of Galveston, Mrs. T. A. McKamey of Gregory, Bruce and Stump Allen of Fairfied, Carl Callaway of Dallas, Mrs. R. H. Burleson of Mart, Miss Nannie Hale of Corsicana and James W. McConnico of Rockwall. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Thursday, March 22, 1923. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Corsicana, Tex., Nov. 3 – Mrs. Emily Middleton, aged 94 years died at the residence of N. A. Brown on West Ninth avenue and was buried this afternoon at 3 o’clock at Oakwood cemetery. The deceased was one of the old landmarks of Navarro county. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex Saturday, November 4, 1899 - Submitted by Peggy Thompson]

Died Near Here Yesterday
Miss Maggie Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Miller of Corsicana died at the home of MR. and Mrs. R. L. Ferguson in the Black Hills community yesterday and the remains were interred in the Hamilton cemetery today. (Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, Corsicana, Tex, Dec. 3, 1918 - vm)

Corsicana - The remains of Mr. Terry Miller, who died in Sweetwater, arrived here this morning and were buried this afternoon under the auspices of the Knights of Honor, of which body he was a member. (The Dallas Daily Herald, Dallas, Tex., March 11, 1884. )

MONEY, Mrs. W. H.
Rice, Navarro Co., Texas, Feb. 11 – Mrs. W. H. Money, wife of W. H. Money of near this place died this morning of pneumonia. Burial will be from the residence of her father, J. W. Hobbs, to Rice Cemetery. Deceased leaves a husband and six children. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Friday, February 12, 1915. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Calvin M. Noble Killed in Auto Crash Saturday
Remains of Kerens Man Brought Home for Interment Monday
Calvin M. Noble, age 37 years, was killed in an automobile wreck near Spur, Texas, Saturday night about 7 o'clock, according to word reaching here. Details of the accident are lacking but it is thought that Mr. Noble was driving alone from Spur to his home in Midland when the accident occurred.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from the home of his parents with interment in the Kerens cemetery. Funeral services will be conducted by Revs. Paul W. Evans, Joe Everhart and W. A. Corkern, all of Kerens.
He is survived by his wife and three children, one son, Calvin Alonzo by a former marriage, Billie Graves, and Elmer Jean, Midland; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Noble, Kerens; three brothers, Geddes Noble, Dallas, Marvin and Percy Noble, Kerens, and a sister, Mrs. R. C. Sanders, Detroit, Michigan; two aunts, Mrs. W. M. Noble and Mrs. J. D. Noble.
The body arrived in Corsicana Monday afternoon at 1:25 and was taken overland to Kerens.
Active pallbearers will be Joe Daniel, E. H. Gray, T. S. Daniel, Jr., James J. Mabry, Bert Washburn, Hal Johnson, Dave Mabry and Robert S. Daniel. Honorary pallbearers will be members of the Kerens Post of the American Legion. (Corsicana Daily Sun, Corsicana, Tex, Mar 5, 1928 - vm)

Corsicana, Tex, September 4 - William A. Oliver, aged 82, who lived in Texas for over sixty-two years, and fought with Sam Houston at the battle of San Jacinto, died here today. He was a native of Georgia, but came to Texas in 1835, and was a close personal friend of Houston and his associates in the early struggle for Texas Independence. He also served with distinction in the Mexican war. (St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, Missouri, Sept 5, 1897 - vm)

Corsicana, Texas, July 8, William Parrish, aged 85 years and a citizen of Navarro County for sixty three years, died at his home near the State Orphan’s Home at an early hour this morning. The decedent came to Navarro county in 1852 from Alabama. He is survived by a wife and four children as follows: Joe and Nick Parrish of Emhouse and Misses Addie and Sudie Parrish. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Friday, July 9, 1915. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Lockhart, Caldwell Co. Tx. , The body of C.V. Patten prominent oil man who was killed here Friday, was forwarded to his old home at Jasper for burial. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, July 12, 1925 sd)

Corsicana, Tex., March 30 – Mrs. Margaret Patton, aged 74 years and 24 days, died at the family residence in this city and was buried in the family cemetery at Eureka, this county. The deceased leaves three sons, R. E. McAnulty of Fort Worth and E. G. Patton and A. T. Patton of this city. She was one of the pioneers of Navarro county having come to the Eureka neighborhood nearly fifty years ago. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Saturday, March 31, 1900. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

POLK, Mrs. W. A.
Pioneer Navarro County Woman dies at Corsicana
Corsicana, Texas, Aug. 12 – Mrs. W. A. Polk, 74 years old widow of the late Captain W. A. Polk died at her home on South Seventeenth street at 10 o’clock last night after an illness of several months. She came to Navarro County from Mississippi with her husband soon after their marriage in 1866 and settled near Dresden. In 1883 she moved to Corsicana and had lived here constantly since then. She was a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church. She is survived by six children as follows: Emmet Polk of Chicago; W. A. Polk of Fort Worth; Ed M. Polk, Dr. L. C. Polk, Mrs. A. H. Miller and Mrs. J. S. Murchison, all of Corsicana. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock from the family home with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The Rev. C. H. Booth pastor of the First Methodist Church will conduct the services. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex., Friday, August 13, 1920. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

RANSOM, Mrs. F. R.
Ennis, Ellis Co., Tex. , July 25. – Mrs. F. R. Ransom, aged about 70 years, died here last night. She was the mother-in-law of Chief Train Dispatcher J. P. Mann and Conductor J. S. Telfair of the Central. A special train carried the funeral party to Corsicana today. --Dallas Morning News, 28 July 1899 mz

Corsicana , Tex. , July 25. – Mrs. J. R. Ransom died in Ennis yesterday and her remains were brought to Corsicana on a special train this afternoon and interred in Oakwood cemetery. A large number of the leading people of the city met the funeral party at the depot and joined in the procession to the grave. Mrs. Ransom was the mother of Mrs. John O. Shook and Messrs. S. M. and Will Ransome of this city. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex, 28 July 1899 mz)

Deaths: Mrs. J. Robinson, Corsicana, August 27. (Aransas Harbor Herald, Aransas Harbor, Tex, Sept 3, 1891 - vm)

Turkey, Dec. 8 - Funeral services for E. R. Rorie, 84, resident of this area since 1915, will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the First Baptist Church. Officiating will be the Rev. Virgil Smith, pastor. Burial will be in Dreamland Cemetery under direction of Euey-Seale Funeral Home of Turkey.
Mr. Rorie died at 2:55 p.m. today at his home here. He was born February 27, 1874, in Corsicana. He held extensive ranching interests east of town. He was a member of the First Baptist Church. Sole survivor is his wife of Turkey. (Amarillo Daily News, Dec. 1958; transcribed by Vicki Bryan)

Died at Chatfield.
Thomas D. Sands, aged sixty-six years, and for many years a good citizen of Navarro County, died at his home there Saturday night after a long illness, and the remains were interred in the neighborhood cemetery yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of friends and neighbors. The deceased was never married, but is survived by a venerable mother, now ninety-two years of age, and a number of sisters, and several nieces and nephews, among the latter being Messrs. Claude and Joe Sands of Corsicana. (Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light, Corsicana, Texas, Tuesday, April 23, 1918 mz)

G. H. Scott, Navarro County Native Dies
Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 18 – g. H. Scott, 68, died at the family home Monday night at 10 o’clock following a lingering illness and the funeral will be held from the Calvary Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon with burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
Mr. Scott was a long time resident in Navarro County. The family resided in the Emmett community for a number of years and had been in Corsicana for the last sixteen years.
Surviving are his wife, six daughters, Mrs. H. A. Varnell, Louisiana; Mrs. Clifton Nicks, California, Mrs. W. B. Mullins, Corsicana; Mrs. H. S. Scroggins, Corsicana; Mrs. O. E. Preston, Corsicana, and Mrs. Dave Perry, Houston and a son, Wilson Scott, Corsicana. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Wednesday, October 19, 1932. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Sheppard – Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 8 – A. A. Sheppard, 69 years old and a resident of Navarro County since 1871, died at his home near Frost, this county and the body was buried at Frost Monday. He is survived by his wife and ten children, among them being Mrs. A. L. Hampton of Corsicana, and by two brothers, W. M. Sheppard of Powell and Jack Sheppard of Forney. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Thursday, October 9, 1919. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

SHULER, Mrs. M. C.
Corsicana, Tex, Dec 6. — Mrs. M. C. Shuler of this city died at her home, on West Third avenue last evening and was buried from the family residence at 11 o'clock this morning. (The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex, Friday Dec. 9, 1898 BZ)

Blooming Grove, Navarro Co., Texas, June 28 – Mrs. Sarah Smith a pioneer of this town and county, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Harris today. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Tuesday, June 29, 1915. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Tom Smith, Navarro County Jailer, Dies
Corsicana, Texas, Feb. 19 – Tom Smith, 49 years old for the last three years Navarro County jailer under Sheriff Walter Hayes, died suddenly Tuesday morning at 4:35 o’clock. Funeral services will be held Wednesday with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The Rev. E. P. Kennedy, pastor of the First Baptist Church will conduct the services at the home and the local carpenters’ union will have charge of the body at the grave.
Mr. Smith was born in Alabama and came to Texas in 1893. He is survived by his wife, his mother, Mrs. Dolf Hicks of Dallas, four brothers, Jim Smith, Beaumont; Charlie Smith, Dallas, Jesse and Albert Smith of Kaufman; two half brothers, Walter and B. J. Hicks of Dallas and a half sister, Mrs. Marrie May Elmer, Vancouver, Wash. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Wednesday, February 20, 1924. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Death: Infant son of Warner Smith, Rice, Jan. 29, aged 6 hours. (Daily Courier Light, Corsicana, Tex, Feb 1, 1905 - vm)

Funeral services and burial for Paul Soders, 48, of Kerens , Tex. , will be held in Corsicana. He died Monday at 10:40 a.m. in the Veterans Hospital here. He was born March 25, 1910 in Taylor , Tex. , and was a veteran of World War II.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Barcas Mynes of Milford , Tex. , and a brother, Booker T. Soders of Fort Worth . Blackburn- Shaw Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements here. (Newspaper unknown, November 14, 1958; transcribed by Sandra Stutzman)

Mr. J. H. Stewart of Angus, father of Mr. Harvey Stewart of this city, died at his home last night and the funeral service was held this afternoon. Stewart's restaurant was closed here today as a mark of respect. (Daily Courier-Light, Corsicana, Tex, Feb 6, 1905 - vm)

Corsicana, Tex., Sept. 20. Miss Nannie Stewart died Sunday. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, Thursday, September 22, 1892 sd)

Died, in the city of Galveston at 6 o'clock in the morning of the 29th day of January of pulmonary consumption, Mrs. Helen M., consort of Geo. W. Strother, in her thirty eight year.
Mrs. S. was a native of Tennessee; married in 1848 - united with the Christian Church in Clinton, Ala, in 1849; of which church she remained a devoted member to her death. She emigrated to Texas in 1853, and has from that time suffered much and severely. She died calmly, willingly and in her perfect mind to the last moment; she was for some days perfectly aware of her near approach to the spirit world - she had no fears - death had lost its sting and the grave had no victory.
She leaves a mother, brother, sisters, and husband to mourn her loss - irreparable. Peace to her remains. (The Prairie Blade, Corsicana, Tex, Feb 29, 1856 - vm)

Corsicana, Tex, Feb 16 - Kerens, a small town sixteen miles east of here in this county was again the scene of a tragedy Saturday. J. M. Stubblefield, at the time he was shot by Dr. Henry Carroll of Long Prairie in Smith & Coates saloon. J. M. Stubblefield, at the time he was shot, was held under a $2000 bond to the district court for the murder of Charlie Hunt last summer and was regarded as a dangerous man. He now lies in a comatose state at the McLear Hotel with four pistol wounds in the back of his head. Physicians say he cannot live. It was reported here yesterday that Stubblefield died at 5 p.m. (The Nacogdoches Chronicle, Nacogdoches, Tex, Feb 26, 1891 - vm)

Crushed to Death
Corsicana, Tex, Dec 10 - Mr. John Sullivan, long employed on the Texas Central Railway, and lately in charge of Section 30, was caught today between the platform of the freight depot and a box car drawn by the switch engine, and so badly crushed that he survived the injuries but a short time. He was 65 years old and leaves a large family. (St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, Missouri, Dec 11, 1884 - vm)

CORSICANA, Dec. 2. -- The remains of W. H. Summerlin, 42. whose home was in Forth Fort Worth, reached here Thursday and were burled near Keens, this county. Deceased was on a to his uncle G. A. McElvaney, near Kerens, and was taken suddenly ill there Monday. McElvaney took him to Dallas and he died there Wednesday. He had a wife and one child. (Fort Worth Star, 2 Dec. 1921. BZ)

Died: Mrs. R. M. Tadlock, Corsicana, December 1. (Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Fort Worth, Tex, Dec 13, 1888 - vm)

Corsicana, Navarro Co., Tex., Feb. 6. Jim Talley, aged 20 years, died at his home here today. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX, Thursday, February 8, 1894 sd)

Died: Mrs. Jessie Trammell, near Purdon, Jan 27, aged 60 years. (Daily Courier-Light, Corsicana, Tex, Feb 6, 1905 - vm)

Palestine, Texas, Sept. 6 – News was received here a few days since announcing the death of Mrs. Mattie Valentine, which occurred at Corsicana on September 4. Mrs. Valentine was well known in this city and leaves a number of relatives as well as a host of friends here to mourn her death. (Fort Worth Gazette, Fort Worth, Tex, Sept 8, 1894 - vm)

Walton – Corsicana, Texas, Oct. 8 – The body of the late Mrs. James L. Walton was buried yesterday afternoon in the Walton family cemetery three miles west of this city. The active pallbearers were six grandsons of the deceased: Clark Walton, Neal Walton, Jas. Walter, Walton Pittman, Lanier Walton and Wesley Walton. Rev. C. H. Booth officiated. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tx, Thursday, October 9, 1919. Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Corsicana , Tex. , July 29. – Mrs. L. F. Watkins died at the residence of Mrs. Mollie White, No. 912 South Eighteenth street, last night, and was buried this afternoon at 6 o’clock in Oakwood cemetery. (Dallas Morning News, 1 Aug. 1900 MZ)

Two Navarro County Boys Die in France
Corsicana, Texas., Nov. 25 – Word received here today tells of the death of two Navarro county boys in France and the severe wounding of another. Charles B. Johnson died of wounds on Oct. 8. He is survived by several cousins but the members of his immediate family are dead. M. J. Watkins of Eureka near here, was killed in action on Nov. 1. Lieutenant Ford D. Albritton, 360th Infantry, was severely wounded in a recent attack. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex, Tuesday, November 26, 1918 - Submitted by Peggy Thompson)

Corsicana , Texas , Nov. 12. – According to information reaching here from Texahoma, Ok., Calvin N. White died here yesterday. Before going to Oklahoma Mr. White was a resident of Navarro County. He has two children, N. S. and L. L. White, residing at Retreat, this county. The body will be brought here for burial. (Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Tex, 13 Nov. 1919 mz)

Corsicana, Texas, June 9 - A little son of Thomas Wilson, residing four miles southwest of here, managed to get hold of his father's pistol, and while playing with the weapon it accidentally was discharged, killing him. (St. Louis Globe-Democrat, June 10, 1880 - vm)

PAMPA, Dec. 23. (Special) - Olin F. Wilson, 73, retired mill worker, died at 8:15 p.m. Monday in a convalescent home in Panhandle. He was born Feb. 16, 1885, in Kaufman County. He had lived in the Panhandle rest home for the past several months.
He lived in Corsicana for about 40 years, moving from there to Raytown and later to Pampa. He lived with his son, Joe Wilson at 213 Nelson Place for a few months before moving to Panhandle.
He was a member of the First Methodist Church and of the Odd Fellows Lodge.
Survivors are the son of Pampa, two daughters, Mrs. Franky Rodgers of Pampa and Mrs. Margie Burlseson of Baytown; two brothers, Earl of Baytown and Walter of Beaumont; two sisters, Mrs. Katherine Layton of Tyler and Mrs. Annie Mae Dunton of Corsicana and four grandchildren.
The body will be taken to Corsicana for burial and services and burial at 3 p.m. Wednesday. Duenkel-Carmichael Funeral Home in Pampa handled arrangements here. (Publication Unknown, December 1958, transcribed by M.K.K.)

Funeral Services for Earl Wimberly Friday Afternoon
Former Corsicana Man Died Near Batesville, Texas, Wednesday
Funeral services for Earl G. Wimberly, aged 34 years, who died near Batesville, Wednesday afternoon, were held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock with interment in Oakwood cemetery. The services were conducted at the residence of his father, B. F. Wimberly, 607 West Ninth Avenue. The services were conducted by Rev. Hugh Miller, Church of Christ minister, life-long friend of the deceased.
Surviving are his wife, father, B. F. Wimberly, Coriscana; two sisters, Mrs. Clara Jenkins, Corsicana, Mrs. Lela Fall. Fairfield: five brothers, F. R. Wimberly, Corsicana; B. C. Wimberly, Meridian, Miss., F. B. Wimberly, Shawnee, Okla; Kirk T. Wimberly, Nacona; John Wimberly, Nacona.
Earl was born and reared in Corsicana, having moved to Batesville several years ago. He served in the Army in France during the World War.
Active Pallbearers - Reuben Edens, John Molloy, Ed Childress, Doc Sheets, Leonard Griffin, Cap Allen, Henry Levi.
Honorary Pallbearers - Dr. T. A. Miller, John C. Hughes, J. J. Bledsoe, L. G. Long, Judge Hawkins Scarborough, Tom Duren, Tom Hughes, R. M. Lockhart, J. T. Parham, Charles Barnaby, George Baum, J. S. Roderick, S. H. King, T. T. Morrison, Nacona, Texas; George Leonard, Dr. Tate Miller, Dallas; W. A. Jones, Batesville, Texas; W. A. Hammett, Claude Allen, Dr. Dubart Miller, W. M. Wilson, Beauford H. Jester, Releigh Abernathy, Cullen Dunn, W. J. Brown, J. D. Ambrose, Orville Murphy, Cushing Okla, W. N. Rose, Fort Worth.
The Retail Merchants Association office was closed during the funeral hour as the deceased was an uncle of Miss Katherine Jenkins, assistant secretary of the association. (Corsicana Daily Sun, Corsicana, Texas, Feb 4, 1927 - vm)

Died, Sarah S. Wooten, Near city, Feb 5, aged 34 years. (Daily Courier-Light, Corsicana, Tex, Feb 6, 1905 - vm)

Obituaries and Death Notices of Navarro County, Texas (2024)


How do you find someone who died in Texas? ›

Vital Statistics maintains death records for the state of Texas. A death record is a vital document that records a person's death. Vital Statistics issues certified copies of death certificates or death verifications. You can work with Vital Statistics to order certified copies of or make changes to death records.

How do I find a local obituary? ›

Many funeral homes publish obituaries on their websites. These can usually be located with a Google search on the person's name. Local genealogical and historical societies, public libraries, and some newspaper publishers maintain clipping files of obituaries.

How do I find an old obituary in Texas? ›

Ancestry is a handy source for those researching and preserving a family tree. The website will help you complete a detailed search for obituaries published from 1930 to current times. Additionally, you may be able to find the Texas obituary you are looking for by looking at other users' family trees.

How to find an obituary in Los Angeles? ›

The Los Angeles County Library does three free obituary searches per month per patron. The person whose obituary is sought needs to have died within Los Angeles County. Please have as much information about the death as possible (date, place, name, etc.)

How to find out if someone has died? ›

7 ways to find out if someone has died recently
  1. Confirm with a mutual acquaintance. ...
  2. Check social media. ...
  3. Search for an online obituary. ...
  4. Online death indexes. ...
  5. Check with their house of worship. ...
  6. Local courthouse. ...
  7. Digital archives.

How do you find a person who passed away? ›

Read The Paper or Watch The Local News

If you receive a physical newspaper, review the obituaries section to see who recently passed. Searching for someone who died more than 30 days ago? Turn to sites like Google News Archives, US News Archives, or International News Archives.

Is there an app for local obituaries? ›

As funeral homes across America post obituaries to their respective funeral home website, The Obituary App organizes them all into particular cities. Now, a user can look at all the obituaries posted by multiple funeral homes in one place. There are two obituary feeds within The Obituary App.

Are obituaries public domain? ›

Copyright and Obituaries. To be clear, obituaries are protected by copyright. They are creative works of expression that are fixed into a tangible medium of expression. Both the text and the images that make up an obituary are protected by copyright (even if the facts and information are not).

What is an obituary in local newspaper? ›

An obituary is a brief written summary of a deceased person's life. It includes a list of surviving family members and is typically found in local newspapers or online news sites. The deceased's family often crafts the obituary, but a publication's staff can also complete the task.

Are obituaries required in Texas? ›

In TX, there is no legal mandate to publish an obituary in a newspaper when someone dies.

How do I find obituaries in the US by name for free? ›

Using Online and Print Newspapers to Find Free Obituaries
  1. Use to Search for a Free Obituary. ...
  2. Newspaper Archive Sites. ...
  3. Look for Obituaries in Newspapers at a Public Library. ...
  4. and Its (Brief) Free Trial. ...
  5. MyHeritage Free Trial. ...
  6. FamilySearch. ...
  7. The Mormon Church Family History Library. ...
  8. Mennonite Archives.

What is the largest obituary website? ›

The Web site hosts obituaries and memorials for more than 70 percent of all U.S. deaths. hosts obituaries for more than three-quarters of the 100 largest newspapers in the U.S., by circulation.

How to find out if someone is in the morgue? ›

Look up your City's morgue and give them a call. Give them your loved ones name and they can tell you if they have them there at the facility. Or. If a lot of time has gone by, they can direct you to whatever might have been done with the corpse it if became the property of the state in the event nobody claimed it.

What is obitwaryo? ›

Definition for the Tagalog word obitwaryo:

obitwaryo. a notice or announcement regarding a deceased person, usually published; obituary; death notice; eulogy.

Does Texas have to disclose if someone died in a house? ›

Texas Death Disclosure

Texas does not require any disclosure of death on a property. The state excludes facts "unrelated to the condition" of the property form a disclosure requirement.

Are Texas birth records public? ›

Texas birth and death records are confidential. Certificates are only available to: the person named on the certificate. immediate family by blood or marriage (parent, grandparent, brother, sister, adult child, spouse)


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